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EVE-Online: The Unpleasantness

Gameplay footage of EVE-Online, a mix video of a few ship kills and losses, backed with some music. See below for a list of fights and their locations within the video. My pseudonym in EVE was Felysta Sandorn.

Apologies for the poor quality of this video, it was filmed back in 2006/2007 when I used to play the game, I no longer play but found a couple of these old videos lying around and thought I’d upload them.

Introduction, Flying a Pilgrim

00:00 Vexor Kill (Solo)

Lowsec Hunting, Flying a Pilgrim

00:30 Myrmidon Kill (Fleet)
01:00 Ares Kill (Solo)
01:26 Maelstrom Kill (Fleet)

Lowsec Hunting, Flying a Pilgrim

02:21 Caracal Kill (Solo), Attempted Ransom
03:07 Cormorant Kill (Solo)
03:37 Pod Kill (Solo)
03:52 Drake Kill (Solo), Stolen Drake
05:25 Thorax Kill (Solo)
06:12 Caracal Kill (Solo)

Nullsec Gate Camp, Flying a Pilgrim

07:20 Raven Kill (Fleet), Friendly Malediction Loss
07:45 Armageddon Kill (fleet)

Lowsec Hunting, Flying an Absolution

08:24 Drake Kill (Solo)

Lowsec Gate Fight, Flying an Absolution

09:23 Megathron Kill (Fleet)
09:50 — A Lesson in Tanking —

Lowsec Gate Fight, Flying an Absolution

11:00 Hurricane Kill (Fleet), and a Shuttle

Lowsec Hunting, Flying a Pilgrim

11:25 Pilgrim Loss (Solo)
12:40 Pilgrim Loss (Solo)

Outro & Credits

13:49 Tempest Kill & Raven Kill (Fleet)

A note on the music featured: I do not own the rights to any song in this video, nor will I ever profit from them.

Thanks for watching!

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